This is our story
Since the invention of The Original Vacu Vin Wine Saver in 1986, we create innovative, proven quality products to maximize the enjoyment of your beverages. Our passion for wine and Dutch Design, our innovative drive and social consciousness define who we are – Vacu VinSurprise your senses
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  • 中国总代

这一切都始于1983年,当时施奈德先生, Vacu Vin的创始人,提出了 真空保存啤酒的想法。他将这一想法运用到葡萄酒的保存上,得到的结 果是葡萄酒的味道持久醇香可口。于是,和他弟弟约翰工程师,一起开 发了一种全新装置,以保存开封过的葡萄酒。

1986年,Vacu Vin于荷兰创立,以生产和销售真空葡萄酒保存器为初 衷,但随着研发及其他实力的提升,很快推出了许多创意家居用品。今 天,Vacu Vin的产品已荣获80多个国际设计奖项,排名世界领先,畅销 全球各地,并获得消费者的广泛喜爱。至今,Vacu Vin红酒真空抽已被 超过175个国家引进。在世界各地,有超过3000万个家庭使用
源自于1986 年的荷兰经典品牌Vacu Vin,以最先发明真空存储葡萄酒方法而 闻名,在追求品质与功能的品牌精神指 引下,不断创新与研发设计,成为葡萄 酒用具领域和创意厨房用具的全球优质品牌,足迹遍布5大洲,风靡世界超过 75个国家,值得您细细品味
Vacu Vin坚信企业的成长壮大应该源于自身实力的不断提升,不断研发 生产出兼具创意、功能与设计高性价比产品,供世界各地消费者使用。

在追求品质与功能的品牌精神指引下,不断创新与研发设计,生产出一 系列独特创新的产品,为全球消费者所爱。Vacu Vin的独特性,在于许 多产品系列都申请了国际专利,即使销往世界各地,也能有效避免被其他 公司所模仿
作为一家跨国企业,不仅要有好的产品,更重要的是坚持一贯的经营理念和树立 一致的经营目标。

Vacu Vin的理念和目标,正如以下的使命宣言中所述:“作为一 家生产和经销厨具和葡萄酒相关创新产品的大型跨国企业,Vacu Vin所有产品用于 家庭及其他专业用途,在通常情况下,这是由各地经销商根据其实际应用特点以 及消费者需求决定的。Vacu Vin开发和生产的所有产品与其他产品的区别在于其原创性,以及优惠的价格和高标准的质量
”You don’t have to be a sommelier to enjoy wine”
We understand the value of enjoyment
Fine wine is the perfect drink for special moments – and to make everyday moments memorable. We develop innovative, high-quality products that help you to present and fully enjoy the taste of quality drinks till the last sip.
  • We Are The Original
    Preserve the taste of wine by keeping it under vacuum. Vacu Vin offers this revolutionary solution since our invention of the first Vacu Vin Wine Saver in 1986. Thereupon, we have developed innovative, high-quality products for you to enjoy wine more intensely and for a longer period of time.
  • We Are Innovative
    The Vacu Vin Wine Saver is iconic Dutch Design: functional, innovative and stylish. Our wine accessories have been tested and proven extensively, with 20 registered patents in the field. We are global market leader for accessories in wine preservation and presentation.
  • We Offer High-Quality
    We are committed to delivering the highest standard. Our products are designed for long-life use. We therefore closely monitor production and work with European manufacturers. The Original Vacu Vin Wine Saver is under continuously improvement to stay The No. 1 Wine Saver.
  • We Are Socially conscious
    How winemakers treat their grapes with care, is equal to the responsibility we feel for our employees. In our social working facility, we offer opportunities to people with a distance to the labour market. Vacu Vin offers extra help to increase their self-esteem.
How it all started
As inventor and lover of the good life, our founder observed that more and more people were enjoying fine wines. The challenge was how to preserve wine properly without wasting it by oxidation. The invention of the first Vacu Vin wine saver in 1986 became a worldwide success. We continued innovating and improving our high standard wine accessories to maximize the enjoyment of wine and make it easier to use.
Innovation of the Wine Saver
After the global successful introduction of the first Wine Saver in 1986 we felt a drive to continuously improve The Original Vacu Vin Wine Saver. Since 2001 all our Wine Savers make a ‘’click’’ sound to indicate that the optimum vacuum is reached. This innovation distinguished us clearly from copy products. Moreover, we patented the new Vacuum Stoppers that prevented the vacuum seal from leaking and this breakthrough secured our global market position.The redesign of the Vacu Vin Wine Saver grip in 2006 was an ode to The Original Wine Saver of 1986. In 2017 we have introduced The Wine Saver & Server. This product combines vacuum sealing with drip-free pouring. As a global market leader of wine accessories we will keep innovating to maximize the enjoyment of fine wine.
”We develop innovative, high-quality products that will enable you to enjoy wine more intensely than ever before”
Vacu Vin 中国区总代理
2019年野城酒具与Vacu Vin(梵酷)达成深度合作,正式成为中国区总代理
Discover our premium wine accessories now and surprise your senses